Sunday, April 12, 2009

rapid prototyping technologies

what is a prototype:

A prototype is the first or original example of something that has been or will be copied or developed; it is a model or preliminary version.

In the design process making prototypes is a very important step to get feedback from the designs: The virtual design is made in "real life" . It can be a very rough model or an exact example that later will be copied.

prototype technologies;

we have several rapid prototyping technologies:

Some authors or rapid prototype specialist donnot count the abrasive technologies as rapid prototyping technologies, however we mention these as aa technology often used to make quick models:

the abrasive group exist of technologies in where from a block or sheet material will be removed: an example is CNC machining or milling; In our company our main technology to make rapid prototypes is cnc milling

a classification that we can find in the rapid prototyping literature is based on the initial form of the used material:
a. liquid based or
b. solid based

liquid base rapid prototyping technlogies are for example stereo lithography SLA

Monday, March 30, 2009

As owner of a rapid prototyping company, i will put here some usefull information of lessons we have learned in executing rapid prototyping projects for our customers.

first I start with the rapid processes we can offer:

  1. abresive technologies; like cnc milling, turning, lathe.

  2. molding or tooling technologies

  3. printing or sintering technologies